Mission Accessibility's
mission and goals
Mission Accessibility is a non-profit organization dedicated to advancing the rights of individuals with disabilities, with a particular focus on digital accessibility. Founded by seasoned legal practitioners Rahul Bajaj and Amar Jain, who happen to be blind, the organization aims to eliminate the barriers faced by persons with disabilities and ensure their full and effective participation. The website will serve as a platform to showcase the organization’s mission, strategies, notable work and client achievements.

More about us

Weekly Updates
Weekly Updates are bits of our weekly work done on daily basis, to keep interested parties updated. Access more:

Disability Rights Legal Advocacy
An insight into our Litigation Tasks and successes over the course of time that upholds our mandate of increasing accessibility of PwDs. Read more about us:

Accessibility Interventions and Services
Look through our initiatives and undertakings that we are involved with to further the mandate of Mission Accessibility. Find more:

Human Rights Beyond Disability
Mission Accessibility is not limited to Disability Rights advocacy, and that is manifested by our work in upholding and advocating for Human Rights in different realms, such as Education and Livelihood. Learn more about it, here:

Thought Leadership
Get an insight into thoughts and publications of our dignified Founders and Team Members. Access it here:

Mission Accessibility honors and invites Partnerships with initiatives aimed to faciliate accessibility for PwDs. Learn about our NGOs:
Meena’s story
22 year old Meena hails from Rajasthan. Despite her blindness, she has successfully completed her Company Secretaryship and secured a role in a prestigious CS firm in Bangalore. She is thrilled at the prospect of living independently in a bustling metropolis. However, only in a few days of moving in, her challenges have compounded. At the beginning of each month, she has to share her Internet banking credentials with her neighbour to pay rent and household expenses. Her bank’s website has an inaccessible interface. This affects her privacy and dignity. Likewise, at work, despite being well versed in the subject, she is kept away from key assignments as most of the government websites on which the firm’s work is based are not accessible, not even readable using her assistive software. Her assignments are confined to back office and admin functions.
Ajman’s story
18 year old Ajman hails from a remote town in North India. Despite the lack of academic exposure and having a locomotor disability, he secured admission to a leading Business school for his graduation. However, he has had a torrid time there.
Most of the classrooms are situated on the first and second floor. There are no elevators. He has to be carried up to class. This is more than just an inconvenience. He is often the subject of unsolicited humour, mocking and sometimes ragging. The teachers also do not take any special efforts to cater to his needs. This has resulted in him securing very poor academic grades apart from being excluded from most activities outside the classroom, including social and leisure activities.
Tim’s story
23 year old Tim hails from Bangalore. He is a movie buff, watching most Bollywood movies on the first day of his release. He enjoys reciting famous dialogues of famous actors. However, a couple of months back, tragedy struck Tim. A serious illness, caused him to become hearing impaired. This has significantly affected all facets of his life. Most Indian films are released without subtitling and closed captioning. He can no longer pursue his passion, which could have been a balm through this difficult time.
These are real people facing real challenges in a world built without taking their needs into consideration. Despite advancements in all walks of life, persons with disabilities [PwDs] in India are viewed through the lens of charity and sympathy. The equal participation of the disabled remain a subject of low interest for most.

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news & events
Week of 2nd December, 2024 Disability Rights Works Judgment on Discriminatory …
Week of 25th to 29th November 2024 Mission Accessibility (MA) continued …
Week of 18th November 2024 Disability Rights Work: 1. Stray Animal …
WEEK OF 11TH NOVEMBER, 2024 Supreme Court Hearing on Accessibility in …